25.08-Sporting CT-Rome_Inter

Inter Milan

Rome, Milan, and Verona (Italy)
August 8 to 16, 2025

Terms and Conditions


  1. General Terms 

  1. Waiver and Release 

  1. Foreign Exchange Rate 

  1. Minimum Number of Travelers 

  1. Price Quote 

  1. Liability Disclaimer 

  1. Supervision/Behavior 

  1. Travel Documentation Requirements 

  1. Third-Party Providers 

  1. Airline Information 

  1. Extra Services 

  1. Trip/Program Changes made by inspiresport USA 

  1. Trip/Program Changes made by your group 

  1. Payment Process 

  1. Payment Schedule 

  1. Cancellation Terms Schedule 

  1. Cancellation Terms Schedule Flexibility (Post COVID19) 

  1. Travel/Health Insurance 

  1. Supporters/Partial Passengers 

  1. Photo and Video Release 

  1. Final Itinerary 

  1. Discrepancies 

  1. Arbitration 

  1. Cancellation due to Extraordinary Circumstances 

  1. Extraordinary Circumstances 


  1. General Terms 

The program/trip you are registering for is a group travel experience, owned and operated by inspiresport USA dba Next Generation International powered by inspiresport also inspiresport USA dba eSoccer, or one of our affiliate businesses. Due to the structure of group travel, most elements of your program/trip are at the direction of your group’s Travel Leader, who is also your group’s representative. Please understand that inspiresport USA arranges various elements of your trip including but limited to pre-trip, during-trip and post-trip elements, administrative and service costs related to your group’s trip/program. 

Each of the contracted services is deliverable under the IATA travel license powered by B The Travel Brand Office 1702 following strict quality liability controls, including a bankruptcy insurance policy adhered to the service agreement.   

  1. Waiver and Release 

All registered participants must agree to and sign these Terms and Conditions at the time of registration in order to participate in a trip/program.   

  1. Foreign Exchange Rate 

The Foreign Exchange (FX) Rate: In order to ascertain the currency quoted amount due pursuant to the respective invoice, inspiresport USA will identify the relevant currency value due and apply the foreign exchange rate (“FX Rate”) as follows: a. The FX Rate will be determined by (i) identifying the daily currency rates for the previous business week; (ii) calculating the average of the above rates to establish a single average daily rate for the previous business week; and (iii) increasing the above average amount by five percent (5%) – such addition representing an amount to cover Next Generation International powered by inspiresport currency  risk and conversions costs. The currency daily rates will be derived from the European Central Bank (http://www.ecb.europa.eu). b. The applicable FX Rate will be calculated each Monday on a weekly basis. The FX Rate will be applied to all invoices issued from Monday of that week and will remain in force for a period of seven (7) days. (iv) If for any reason the relevant rates are not published by the European Central Bank, Next Generation International powered by inspiresport reserves the right to use an alternative data source but will apply the same principles as those outlined above. Next Generation International powered by inspiresport also reserve the right to adjust the currency price payable in the event of error or miscalculation of the published currency daily rate. This price quote is valid for 30 days from receipt and is dependent upon the final number of travelers.   

  1. Minimum Number of Travelers 

The group trip/program quoted price is based upon a minimum number of travelers. The quoted price is subject to adjustment if the minimum number of travelers is not met or if the program is changed or if the itinerary changes or if circumstances beyond inspiresport USA direct control change. If your group minimum is not met, your group may be combined with other group(s) to reach the minimum number of travelers. If the minimum number of travelers is not met and the Travel Leader chooses not to be combined with another group and travels with less than the minimum number of travelers, an additional cost may be charged to your account.   

  1. Price Quote 

This price quote and your final trip/program cost is based on current land services and air travel prices. It is calculated based on the current rate of international currency exchange and is based on the minimum number of paying passengers traveling.   

  1. Liability Disclaimer 

In no event will we be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage or any special, punitive, exemplary, direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, whether based in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, that arise out of or are in any way connected with the tour, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. 

The traveler is responsible for all damages caused in the airplanes, hotels, buses, sport facilities (Including stadiums), and all other vendors and partners and/or injuries caused to other travelers, employees, third parties or any of our affiliates, as well as for fines and expenses that we are obliged to pay to the authorities on your behalf.   

  1. Supervision/Behavior 

inspiresport USA, its officers, directors, agents, employees, and independent contractors establish behavior rules and directions for participants. If you fail to abide by the rules and/or directions, you may be asked to leave the group trip/program with no refund. Each participant is responsible for their own actions at all times and the travel leader will be held accountable for the action of all group participants. 

inspiresport USA will not tolerate harassment of any kind based upon an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic. If a participant is determined to be in violation of this term, it is grounds for immediate removal from the trip at the participants expense with no refund. 

All participants are expected to follow local and government laws at all times. inspiresport USA is not responsible in any way, shape or form if a participant violates a local or government law. Any violations of local or government law by a participant will be at the participants own expense. Violations of local or government law may be grounds for immediate removal from the group, at the participants' expense, with no refunds provided.   

  1. Travel Documentation Requirements 

Each traveler is responsible for obtaining the required documentation necessary for travel. Passports are required for international travel. All participants must have a passport with no less than six months validity remaining upon their return to the respective country. Passport application charges are not included in the quoted tour price and we are not responsible for securing a traveler’s passport and/or visa. 

Flight information provided to inspiresport USA must completely up to date and accurate for your travel. If the flight information provided to inspiresport USA is different than what the airlines and TSA require, we are not responsible for any missed flights, delays or fees associated with changes. For full details on the Transportation Security Administration, please visit www.tsa.gov

If a registrant is unable to travel due lack of proper identification, passport, visa or any other required documentation, inspiresport USA is not at fault and the standard cancellation policy applies.   

  1. Third-Party Providers 

inspiresport USA, its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, shareholders, successors, and agents does not own, control or operate any entity, business, organization or person contracted to or provides goods or services for your trip/program. Including but not limited to lodging, accommodations, airline or other transportation companies, guides or services, local ground operators, entertainment or sightseeing operators, providers or organizers of optional excursions, food service providers, opposing teams, referees, pro clubs, training facilities, etc. All such entities or persons are independent contractors. As a result, inspiresport USA is not liable for any negligent or willful act or failure to act of any person, entity, or third-party provider. inspiresport USA is not liable for any inconveniences, costs, losses, or damages associated with the denial of services or special requirements of services imposed by such person, entity, or third party.   

  1. Airline Information 

As a part of your trip/program, you have the option of allowing us to setup your group and/or individual airfare or arranging/setting it up on your own. All flights booked through inspiresport USA, on behalf of the clients, are subject to the airline Terms & Conditions. Payment obligations and cancellation policies are transferred to the customer as established, in all cases, by the flight agency and/or airline. If you choose to arrange your own airfare, you are solely responsible for transportation to/from airports, including the ground transport to meet/depart from the group. If you choose to book airfare on your own, prior to your group's trip/program being confirmed, inspiresport USA is not responsible for any flight reimbursements/refunds.  

If you experience a Flight Cancellation or Delay.  Always keep the original flight ticket for all flights, as well as the other expenses incurred related to the trip, accommodation, etc. If your flight is cancelled or delayed, while you are at the airport terminal, request from the airline proof of cancellation/delay, stating the cause of the cancellation/delay, as well as the duration of this wait until the new flight schedule is provided. In cases where our customer couldn’t request this proof, our travel agency will do its best to assist on your behalf.  Do not leave the terminal or book alternative airfare without this statement from the airline to facilitate the processing of future compensation. If you purchase travel insurance, we recommend keeping receipts of all expenses incurred related to the trip inconvenience, accommodation, and meals expenses. Your purchased travel insurance will be calculated based on these supporting documents.   

  1. Extra Services 

inspiresport USA shall not be liable to the Client or be deemed to be in breach of its warranties or obligations under the provision of extra services including but not limited to match tickets, friendly matches, training sessions, spectacles and or usage of third parties training facilities for any delay in performing or failure to perform by the third service party's obligations to the extent that such delay or failure was due to a failure to perform its obligations or if delay results from a failure by the Client to comply with reasonable requests by inspiresport USA for instructions, information or action required by it to perform its obligations within a reasonable time limit; or for the consequences of any acts or omissions of the Client, the third service party, and its employees or agents, suppliers or manufacturers engaged by or on behalf of the third service party; or if the Client is in default of any of its payment obligations under this Agreement. 

Once you confirm attendance at any extra services offered by inspiresport USA, and the opt-out option due date has passed, inspiresport USA has the right to automatically charge your card on file. If for some reason we are unable to process your payment, and your account has a balance due a week prior to your travel, you won't be able to participate in the extra activity. 

You agree that if you select any extra services after the final scheduled trip/program payment, you agree that your credit card on file in your account can be charged for the cost of the extra services you have selected, which could occur before, during or after your trip/program.   

  1. Trip/Program Changes made by inspiresport USA 

We reserve the right to amend any itinerary due to conditions beyond our control (e.g changes in weather), friendly match schedule, and due to other mandatory conditions beyond our managerial responsibilities. Every reasonable effort is made not to delete a specified inclusion but to fulfill the conditions and terms for the best interests of all parties. We are not liable in any way for airline delays, cancellation, or loss of luggage. Individuals engaging in athletic activities and contests assume the risk of those activities and will not hold generation adidas international liable for any injuries incurred. 

Changes in itinerary, the order in which destinations are visited, duration of stay in each city, or the need to add or remove a destination may occur. There may be dates that some activities may be closed and/or availability of venues advertised or communicated cannot be guaranteed. It is possible that some venues may also close without prior notice due to public holidays, festivals, routine maintenance, or circumstances outside of inspiresport USA control. In these instances, no refunds will be given. In these situations, we will do everything possible to find suitable alternatives. 

In rare occasions, inspiresport USA may need to change the destinations visited and/or the dates of a scheduled trips/programs. In these rare occasions, we will work with your group’s Travel Leader to reschedule your trip to dates that work for your group.   

  1. Trip/Program Changes made by your group 

inspiresport USA understands that your group may need to change your trip due to unforeseen circumstances. If your group decides they are uncomfortable traveling on the scheduled dates or to the scheduled destination, the group (through your travel leader) can adjust the trip dates and/or destination up to 180 days before departure. Changes to your group's dates and/or destination will be determined based on availability including, but not limited to, airfare, accommodations, venues, attractions, tickets, friendly matches, meals, and transportation. There will be no fees to adjust your trip, just any differences in the price of the new trip. We will work with your Travel Leader to find an alternative future date up to 12 months from your original departure date. You will have a credit in the full amount you paid for the future trip. There will be no administrative fees to adjust your trip, however, you will be responsible for changes in the price of your trip/program. 

  1. Payment Process 

Each individual in the traveling group must register online, agree to our terms and conditions and make payments by VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express. JCP, China Union Bank and Diners Club International. You are required to pay the predetermined non-refundable deposit during the initial registration. Please be aware that on the agreed upon payment schedule, the card we have on file will be automatically charged on those dates. If you need to change the credit card, you can do so by logging into your account on your registration site.   

  1. Payment Schedule 

Payments are due on the scheduled dates provided. The payment dates are structured to allow timely payment of airline and land vendor invoices and to avoid penalties and or late fees. Late payments jeopardize the tour/program experience and will be assessed a $50.00 late fee per registered traveler every 30 days past the payment due date. 

After the final balance due date, if your account still has an amount due, inspiresport USA reserves the right to automatically charge your card on file. If we are unable to process your payment, and your account has a balance due 14 days prior to your trip/program departure date, you will not be issued final travel documents and you will be excluded from participation in the trip/program with no refund.   

  • For all registration pages opened on or after Saturday October 21, 2023: 

All deposits are non-refundable per person. 

Refund eligibility for the Landed Package of the tour is based on the below: 

181+ Days from Departure = Full Refund (minus deposit) per person. 

180 to 121 Days from Departure = Full Refund minus $595 per person. 

120 to 91 Days from Departure = 50% Refund (per person) of the Landed Package. 

90 to 61 Days from Departure = 25% Refund (per person) of the Landed Package. 

60 or Less Days from Departure = No Refunds. 

The above cancellation terms are for landed costs. Any and all fees related to cancel group or individual airfare are at the discretion and policies of the airlines. All fees must be covered at the time of cancellation. We provide, in advance, deadline dates that allow for cancellation with no additional fees.  Any cancellations after the provided deadline dates are subject to airline cancellation fees up to the entire cost of the airline ticket. 

  • Any request to add or change your existing booking 60 days to departure, an additional $250 administration fee will be applied per passenger for any change in registration Changes include, but are not limited to, change in supporter attendance, shorten the stay/deviation request, late flight request, additional passenger request. The late requests cannot be guaranteed and are subject to availability.  

  1. Cancellation Flexibility (Post COVID) 

  •  The group can postpone or move the tour with no fees or choose to cancel the trip if closures, government regulations, or travel restrictions due to COVID-19 prevent the delivery of your tour. 

  • IMPORTANT - We highly recommend the additional purchase of Travel Insurance and provide recommendations for a third party insurance policy that will provide a full refund available under those policies, minus the amount paid for the insurance protection plan. 

  • The above cancellation terms are for landed costs. Any and all fees related to canceling group or individual airfare are at the discretion and policies of the airlines. All fees must be covered at the time of cancellation. We provide, in advance, deadline dates that allow for cancellation with no additional fees.  Any cancellations after the provided deadline dates are subject to airline cancellation fees up to the entire cost of the airline ticket.   

  1. Travel/Health Insurance 

Travel protection/insurance is not included in your trip/program registration. If you want travel protection/insurance, you will need to purchase it separately. At inspiresport USA, we recommend you purchase a travel protection plan/insurance to help protect you and your trip investment. For your convenience, we offer plans through Travelex Insurance Services. Travelex’s Travel protection plans can help provide coverage for Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical and Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation, Trip Delay, Baggage Delay and more. For more information on the available plans or to enroll, go to https://www.travelexinsurance.com/?location=10-0424&go=bp  or call Travelex Insurance Services at 800-228-9792. 

Any product descriptions provided here are only brief summaries and may be changed without notice. The full coverage terms and details, including limitations and exclusions, are contained in the insurance policy. Travel Insurance is offered on behalf of and under the direction of Travelex Insurance Services except for residents of New York, Hawaii, and Washington. Residents of those states should contact Travelex at 800.228.9792 for more information. If you have questions about coverage available under our plans, please review the policy or contact Travelex Insurance Services at 800.228.9792 or email customersolutions@travelexinsurance.com. Travelex Insurance Services, Inc CA Agency License #0D10209. All products listed are underwritten by, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company NAIC # 22276. S7I   

  1. Supporters/Partial Passengers 

If you have family/friends who reside at your trip/programs destination and would like to join the trip/program, they are invited to join as long as there is space available. 

If they would like to join all or part of the program/trip, a personalized daily “Land Only” fee can be provided. Supporters can join part of the tour subject to the following conditions: 

  • Must be a minimum of 4 consecutive full itinerary nights (Not including travel days at the beginning and end of the tour). 

  • If you wish to add more than 4 consecutive nights, the added days must be an extension of the 4 consecutive days. Extended days will be managed in the same hotel as used during the tour. 

  • Daily rate Includes accommodation and all activities for those days that are a part of the tour. 

  • Deadline for requests are 90 days prior to departure date and are always subject to approval. Any requests inside of the 90 days prior to departure are also subject to availability and approval and will be assessed with a $250 administration fee in addition to any additional trip fees outside of the daily rate. 

For safety, security and insurance reasons, under no circumstance are individuals allowed to join the group (e.g., ride the bus) without purchasing a landed package. Likewise, inspiresport USA is under no obligation to provide tour information, services or transportation to any individual not listed on the official group travel roster.   

  1. Photo and Video Release 

Upon registering and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree and grant permission for inspiresport USA, its dba’s, agents, affiliates, partners, and employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to reproduce the photographs and/or video images taken of you, or members of my family, for the purpose of publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, or trade, in any manner or in any medium. You hereby release inspiresport USA and its legal representatives, its dba’s, agents, affiliates, partners, and employees for all claims and liability relating to said images or video. Furthermore, you grant permission to use statements that were given during an interview or guest lecture, with or without name, for the purpose of advertising and publicity without restriction and you waive rights to any compensation.   

  1. Final Itinerary 

The approved Final trip/program itinerary will be sent to the tour leader no less than 7 days prior to departure. There are circumstances, outside of inspiresport USA control, such as weather, venue, ticket, friendly match, tour availability that may cause the final itinerary to be provided less than 7 days prior to departure. The Final Tour Package includes full trip details, supplementary information, and airline tickets for those who purchased an airline ticket through our agency. We reserve the right to amend any itinerary due to conditions beyond our control (e.g., changes in weather).  We make every reasonable effort not to make changes to the final itinerary, and to fulfill the conditions and terms in the best interests of all parties. Individuals engaging in travel and/or athletic activities assume the associated risks and will not hold inspiresport USA liable for any injuries incurred.   

  1. Discrepancies 

We understand that things don’t always go as planned, whether in or out of anyone’s control. If you have a complaint, issue or discrepancy at any time leading up to, during, or after your trip/program, you agree to solely direct the complaint, issue, or discrepancy to inspiresport USA and not to a partner, sponsor, associate, or 3rd party. We will do our best to understand your complaint, issue or discrepancy and rectify it quickly and as effectively as possible.   

  1. Arbitration 

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration in Atlanta, Georgia without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Our failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between us regarding our service and supersede and replace any prior agreements we might have between us regarding the service. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you are irrevocably, unconditionally, and expressly submitting to binding arbitration, in lieu of having any such dispute decided in a court of law before a jury.   

  1. Cancellation due to Extraordinary Circumstances 

If your trip/program is unable to be rescheduled to a future date due to Extraordinary Circumstances (explanation below), and you did not purchase travel insurance, you will receive a full refund minus the non-refundable deposit. 

If you did purchase travel insurance, you will need to work with your insurance provider on their refund policy and timeline. 

It is important to understand, the above fee is not intended to be a penalty, but a fair estimate of a small portion of the unrecoverable internal and external costs associated with planning, managing, and administering a full-service group travel trip/program, that are incurred by inspiresport USA prior to the date of departure.   

  1. Extraordinary Circumstances 

inspiresport USA, its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, shareholders, successors, and agents are not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage to property or person, delay, death, overbooking, downgrading of accommodations, mechanical or other failure of airplanes or other means of transportation or for any failure of any transportation to arrive or depart timely, dangers associated with animals, sanitation problems, food poisoning, lack of or quality of medical care, illness or disease, difficulty in evacuation in case of a medical or other emergency, or for any other inconvenience beyond the direct control of inspiresport USA, in connection with the provision of any goods or services whether occasioned by or resulting from, but not limited to, Exceptional Circumstances. 

Extraordinary Circumstances may also cause postponement or cancellation of trips. Extraordinary Circumstances include but are not limited to acts of force majeure, war (whether declared or not), criminal or terrorist activities of any kind or the threat thereof, civil unrest, strikes or other restrictive labor activities, illness or disease, actual, perceived or threatened epidemics or pandemics, government-imposed travel restrictions or closures, and other events outside inspiresport USA control that make performance of a trip impossible or impractical.